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Work on the Plan

14 - 20 JANUARY 2024

Hey Fam, 

The universal energy is pretty chill until the end of this week, with nothing massive coming in too strong, which gives you time to keep working on your new moon intentions. 

The first new moon of the year is super important for getting us on the right foot going forward. 

This is the time to create a plan for the year, think about what you want to achieve, and who you want to be as you walk out of the year in 12 months time.

Think about how you want to feel and how you can set up your life to feel that way. If you want to feel energetic you may need to work on your sleep routine for example.

Please spend time really working on this. Make a vision board, create some charts, and make the lists. 

Right at the end of this week, we walk into Aquarius season and we have Pluto moving into Aquarius at the same time, this is huge so I will talk about it alot next week.

Aquarius is the symbol of the water bearer and I feel that during this Aquarius season, we can cleanse ourselves of some old emotional baggage that's still hanging around. It feels like a breath of fresh unattached air coming in which is actually good for all of us empaths! 

Have a beautiful week, remember to stop and smell the roses, go on long walks, and see the beauty in everything. 

Love you,

Sarah xXx

If you would like to receive some more guidance about this week's energy, watch my Weekly Cosmic Forecast below.


Here's a little guidance for the week ahead from The Transformation Deck;


"You may be birthing new ideas right now, or this is the new of a physical birth. Both are exciting and are a time of new beginnings." If you would like to connect to your own inner guide and intuition, visit the Shop on my website to get your own deck today.



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