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Winds of Change Are Here

10-16 SEPTEMBER 2023

If you have felt overwhelmed you are not alone, if the tears have been following you are not alone, if you have just been feeling all the feels, you are not alone.

The cosmic weather has been wild and we have been under some heavy cosmic pressure. No one escaped the energy of all the super moons especially that Pisces mega one, that was next level and the calm after the storm has definitely taken a while to kick in and settle.

This week the winds of change are here, that cosmic storm did clear the air so there is a new level of clarity and awareness available to us now.

We welcome a beautiful new moon in Virgo towards the end of the week that is so welcome and refreshing. We are invited to see through new eyes and set our new intentions.

This is a week to slow down, find your center, and simplify what you can. Practice living in the moment. If we are not careful life will just pass us by.

Each day is a blessing. We must always find joy in the everyday and create a life worth living. If things aren't working, think about how you can do things differently rather than moaning and making the problem bigger.

Reminder this week-

What you absorb has an effect - what you eat, drink, watch, and listen to.

Please be wise about what you absorb. Be aware of the choices you're making knowing everything has a consequence.

Word of the week - REFINE
It's time to refine yourself and your life a little.

Love you,

Sarah xXx

If you would like to receive some more guidance about this week's energy, watch my Weekly Cosmic Forecast below.


Here's a little guidance for the week ahead from The Transformation Deck;


"What needs simplifying in your life? Consider your home, your work, or your relationships. It's time to clear the clutter and make some space." If you would like to connect to your own inner guide and intuition, visit the Shop on my website to get your own deck today.



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