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What a Week - Welcome to Eclipse Season

15 - 21 SEPTEMBER 2024

We start this week with a supermoon lunar eclipse and end this week with the Libra equinox. I'll take that shaken not stirred said the universe. 

We are heading into a big few weeks of endings and new beginnings in a huge way. The universe has taken over from here and where you were acting weak, it will step things up and where you were avoiding, well forget it. If this creates an anxious feeling in you then that's a sign you have more work to do on trusting. If this makes you excited then welcome to the fam!

This Eclipse feels super pressured as it's on a super moon so vulnerability is the word of the week. It's totally time to get a comfy feeling super exposed. 

In saying this, the solar eclipse coming in 2 weeks is the strongest of these 2 so maybe we are just getting warmed up for something quite monumental. 

The Libra equinox will bring some welcomed light and balance, this could be a moment we can take a breath. It sits in between this lunar and solar eclipse.

Oh my, what a few weeks this is... AGAIN!

I feel like the classroom of life is training us in some deep learning these days. Usually, I love the equinox energy, I just hope we can feel it fully during this season... Let's presume we will stay as positive as possible. Our glass is half full right?

Let's think Pisces this week and remember sensitivity is a strength and intuition is our best guide. We really must lean into our spiritual connection and really really trust the journey. Whether we feel it or not we are ready to embrace change and progress... It is an emotional time so have the tissues at hand. 

I will be running a live session on Monday, September 16th, a few days before this eclipse peaks. This will be preparation for the journey we are all about to embark on.

Please join me if you feel the pull. I will share more on how we can make this time work with us, not against us. We will also harness that universal love and support that will hold us through this time. 

Love you,


If you would like to receive some more guidance about this week's energy, watch my Weekly Cosmic Forecast below.


Here's a little guidance for the week ahead from The Transformation Deck;

Trust Yourself

"Listen to yourself at this time - don't listen to the opinion of others. This is the time to go within and listen to your inner voice. You have all of the answers to your questions, all you've got to do is go within and listen." If you would like to connect to your own inner guide and intuition, visit the Shop on my website to get your own deck today.



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