Weekly Enlightenment 20 - 26 December 2020 | NEXT LEVEL LIVING
As one story ends a new one begins. Let's reflect for a moment on the last chapter of the old book before we finally close it. It was funky as hey tribe...?
It had to be though for us to see clearly. For us to draft and cast the next story in a new way and make sure there is no repetition, as that would make for a pretty boring next book. So the door has closed and the new one is open. I would not recommend talking about the old story any more, it felt like it really dragged at the end any way so again how boring to keep talking about it all. So, moving on as the new life is finally here. It's finally happened, new life, new energy, new age, a new you and the opportunity to write a new story in a new book.
Feels like Christmas, there is excitement in the air.
As we live in a world of duality lets just have a quick look at the other side of this too. Over there, there is a lot of sadness, fear, anger and uncertainty. Tears of regret stuck in the old story and too victim to look up or forward or think new.
This is life today on planet earth.
There has been a beautiful shift in the universal planetary alignments today 21.12.20 and there is a new energy here now. It's different to what we have felt before it is lighter and feels more free. As this next level of light arrives I believe there will be the next level on the other side too, more restrictions, more fear, more conflict and more control.
But, it's ok tribe, we can choose what side we sit, what story we write. As much as you are made to believe you are incapable of this, it's not the truth and with this new energy and light here now you are supported more than ever to step into your wholeness, the truth, your power and write the best story you could imagine.
But, it will take courage and belief in your incredible self.
Now tribe is the time to practice what you have learnt.
Have the best week, go easy on yourself.
Let's call this week the preface.
Lots of love,
Sarah xXx
Here's a little guidance for the week ahead from The Transformation Deck;
"Life is supposed to be fun! Bring in a little joy and spontaneity into your day by doing something that feels fun to you."
If you would like to connect to your own inner guide and intuition, visit the Shop on my website to get your own deck today.