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We Start This Week With Some Big Shifts in Energy

22 - 28 SEPTEMBER 2024

Let's welcome the Libra season with open arms! Some balance, harmony, and beauty feel softer and easier than the Virgo season we are leaving behind. I don't recall the Virgo season ever feeling so rigid stern and serious in the past! But whatever, everything feels pretty random and different and extreme these days. 

We also start this week with one of my favorite days, it must be the white witch in me :) The equinox. This is such a sacred and special moment in time. One that I have honored and celebrated forever. I recommend you tune in to this alignment and do a little self-work to acknowledge the change in season within you and around you. Below are some ideas for you that I practice. 

Southern Hemisphere - Spring Equinox

Sun, 22 Sept 2024, 10:43 pm AEST

Please, if you can get up and watch the sunrise and welcome the new light.

Take some time in these quiet hours to connect with new life within you mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.Nourish the seeds of awareness by asking yourself.  "Is there anything I can do or stop doing to cultivate my growth, bring my dreams to life, and be the bright shining star I was born to be?" Write down any insights and or messages that come to you.

Begin this new season with a spring in your step and a newfound optimism for the future. 

Northern Hemisphere - Autumn Equinox

Sun, 22 Sept 2024, 1:43 pm GMT

This is a time of reflection and gratitude for what you have harvested both physically and spiritually over the past year.

Take some quiet time out today. Light a candle to honor the light within you and around you. Write down all your blessings from the past year.

Reflect on the abundance in your life and recognize the areas where you’ve grown. Share your gratitude with someone special today and remember how far you have come.

We are now walking through the Eclipse corridor and this can feel a bit eerie at times. Like a place we haven't been before, not in a frightening way but it doesn't feel comfortable either. It's the space in between. 

One foot in the past and one foot in the future, we are all standing in the wake of a new life in some way. 

Ask yourself on your walk this week - 

"If I stopped telling the old story that has formed my limitations what would I do?"

Remember - 

Thoughts create emotions 

Emotions create actions 

Actions create consequences 

Consequences create your life experience

Are your thoughts in alignment with the life experience you want? You know what to do. 

Love you,


If you would like to receive some more guidance about this week's energy, watch my Weekly Cosmic Forecast below.


Here's a little guidance for the week ahead from The Transformation Deck;

Stay Optimistic

"Trust that what you desire is on it's way to you, even if you can't see it yet. Do not allow any fear-based thought patterns to sway your positivity. You attract the energy that you emanate so be positive." If you would like to connect to your own inner guide and intuition, visit the Shop on my website to get your own deck today.



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