The Last Piece of the 2024 Puzzle
15 - 21 DECEMBER 2024
We walk slowly but with purpose and passion in our steps this week. It's a big energy week but this is not the time to be loud or with too much of that big energy. Rather we walk quietly with curiosity on a mission yes, but not a mission we need to shout about. Rather an inward mission of yes my friends, more deep transformation and rebirth.
It's a week we explore the duality of a human thanks to the incredible full moon in Gemini. This is the last full moon of 2024 and has the potential to illuminate the last piece of the 2024 puzzle if we are present, aware, and open to see.
We end the week with one of my favorite days. The summer solstice, here in Australia. A day I love so much I have for the past few years made sure I experience this energy twice a year (Traveling the world).
Depending on where you are on this planet it will be either the longest or the shortest day of the year, the winter or the summer solstice. Wherever you are the solstice is a sacred day and one we can work with to receive so much.
It's a day to celebrate ourselves and our incredible Gaia, the mother of life itself. There is so much insight that we can tap into at these sacred times and new doors that can open if we are present, aware, open, and willing to do what it takes to go beyond where we have been before.
There is a saying, Let go, let God. This feels very apparent. (Use the word God as you understand him/it to be)
Themes this week
How can we integrate the mind’s curiosity with the heart’s wisdom?
How can we bring more light to our inner fire while staying balanced in the mind and on the earth?
Big love,
If you would like to receive some more guidance about this week's energy, watch my Weekly Cosmic Forecast below.
Here's a little guidance for the week ahead from The Transformation Deck;
"Go and spend some time in nature today. Nature is a wonderful place to recharge and connect with pure energy. Take off your shoes and feel the earth beneath your feet. Listen to the sounds of nature around you." If you would like to connect to your own inner guide and intuition, visit the Shop on my website to get your own deck today.