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Take Responsibility

23 - 29 JUNE 2024

It’s been a while since I opened my laptop and began writing a weekly. The break has been amazing and totally what we all need. Stepping out of our day-to-day life gives us the ability to really reflect on where we are at and where we are heading. 

I am writing this email on the summer solstices in Thailand, back home in Australia, it’s winter. Unintentionally, I seem to always miss the winter solstice and double up on the summer, I’m sure there is a reason for that, maybe as a light worker I need to harness the most light possible to share with you all!!! Maybe I just like the sunshine...

The cosmic weather is ace right now. All week we will be immersed in the solstice magic,  walking into the emotional waters of cancer season and riding the wave of the powerful full moon in Capricorn part 1. 

We are right now being beckoned to step into alignment with a new version of self. We are being pushed to step up into full ownership of our lives. The choices we make are a result of where we stand. 

This is a highly potent time. Yes, it can feel overwhelming at times but you know what to do to help yourself in these moments. 

It’s time to take responsibility for exactly where you are at, we need to own the good the bad, and the ugly within and around us. Only then after taking full responsibility for everything can we begin to make positive changes.

Acceptance and responsibility are the way forward now. There is so much potential for growth. 


The solstice is sprinkling some magic for us as we walk through this week so it can feel like... "OMG, why is it so hard…" to "OMG... what a stunning day enjoy the magic moments of clarity"

And to keep walking towards a better version of yourself, that is your work right now.

Some reflection work for you - journal around this:

"I created everything in my world right now. 

What do I need to recreate?"

Lessons from my travels - 

Going with the flow and trusting and giving up trying to live within the certainty bubble is the only way to live! Period! 

Fear totally can be false evidence appearing real. Once a fear is faced the joy and freedom are incredible. 

Watch this week's weekly on youtube to hear more!!!

See you live online to create some magic on Monday 

Love you,


If you would like to receive some more guidance about this week's energy, watch my Weekly Cosmic Forecast below.


Here's a little guidance for the week ahead from The Transformation Deck;

Let Go

"Let it go, let it go, let it go. It's not worth holding onto at all." If you would like to connect to your own inner guide and intuition, visit the Shop on my website to get your own deck today.



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