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Super New Dreamy Moon

10 - 16 MARCH

Swim with me through the rivers of love and let's dream together a future that fills us with pure bliss. 

Hello Super Moon in Pisces, you are sooo welcome here. You feel so soft and dreamy and just what we need to heal our precious hearts and get our lives and relationships on track. Enough getting lost and dilly dallying back to the path and time to make some steps forward not in a ridget hard way but in a soft and gentle loving way please.

This is the week for creation work. Set a new intention, see it, and feel it already happening in your imagination. Visualise it, feel it over and over again, and tune in to the feeling of what it's like to have created exactly what you wanted or better.  

This is a powerful week, it's a good week. Move out of your head this week and move into your body and ask how does this feel? If it feels good, continue, if it doesn't stop and recess. This is the perfect week to feel into your relationship and do a little self-assessment. 

Does this still feel good for me? Is this relationship filling my bucket? Is this the love I dream of?

You know what to do with your answers. No rush, just more awareness and truth. 

Words of the week - 

  • Empathy

  • Kindness 

  • Gently 

  • Healing 

  • Sensitivity 

  • Compassion 

This week, watch for -

  • Feeling the overwhelm 

  • Overflowing waters - physically 

  • Over emotional moments 

Have an amazing week and happy new supermoon.

Love you,

Sarah xXx

If you would like to receive some more guidance about this week's energy, watch my Weekly Cosmic Forecast below.


Here's a little guidance for the week ahead from The Transformation Deck;


"You may be birthing new ideas right now, or this is the new of a physical birth. Both are exciting and are a time of new beginnings." If you would like to connect to your own inner guide and intuition, visit the Shop on my website to get your own deck today.



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