Once in a Blue Moon Week

I get shivers as I feel into the energy of the coming week. We have the second super full moon of the month and the third consecutive super moon. This is the biggest and brightest moon of the year! This will dominate the comic weather this week in a pretty monumental way.
We have also just walked into virgo season and that means its tidy up time.
We have a total of 6 planets in retro which means the energy will feel sluggish and we walk into a new month with a new vibration.
It's actually a huge week so get ready, stand strong, hold tight, be prepared, stay conscious and aware and read my words carefully.

Many of you will feel this super moon energy brewing days before it peaks on the 30th/31st of August. This supermoon is in the final sign of the zodiac wheel - Pisces. The vibe is deep, reflective, and mature.
We will be asked to step up and let go of another layer of our past and the painful scars that were left behind. I'm hoping this is not too much of an emotional process for you at this point, rather you have already felt the pain and understand the lesson now in a mature way, this is the last stage. It's time to let go.
You might feel a bit emotional as you let go, but not that deep pain that you felt at the beginning of this process. You may feel sentimental, reflective, and a bit in a fantasy of the old.
Your mantra this week -
Please don't let insecurity of the future stop you now. Moving on is positive, change is good. The unknown is where the magic lies. Please remember when one door closes another opens.
Please be kind to yourself and allow yourself this time. Healing is occurring in profound ways right now so trust, trust, trust even if you're not really sure what's happening.
You've got this, this is a once in a blue moon week.
I will be working live online under this super moon to support you through this cycle. Together we are so much more powerful than alone. Together we will let go, heal, and take all the gifts that this supermoon is illuminating for us.
Love you,
Sarah xXx
If you would like to receive some more guidance about this week's energy, watch my Weekly Cosmic Forecast below.

Here's a little guidance for the week ahead from The Transformation Deck;
Let Go
"Let it go, let it go, let it go. It's not worth holding onto at all." If you would like to connect to your own inner guide and intuition, visit the Shop on my website to get your own deck today.