6-13 FEBRUARY 2022
It's all systems go this week, we are walking into the most productive time of the year to push ahead, to create, and get sh#t done. The universe is supporting and encouraging us to move on in new and exciting ways. We are in a clean new cycle and we need to embrace this time and use it to our advantage. If we do the work now, we will reap the rewards later.
My advice this week -
Get your head straight,
Get clear on what you want,
Choose what direction you're taking,
Start walking,
Keep your cool,
Keep going.
Please write this down and finish the sentence. Spelling is powerful in creating.
This is what I want .......
Thank you universe for giving it to me.
You have a choice -
You can live your life aware, conscious and proactive or you can live your life randomly and reactive where you are bounced around by distractions.
One way you will thrive, the other you will survive - you choose.
Live this week - Learn how to work with energy and live in alignment with your highest potential BOOK HERE
I love you, Sarah
Here's a little guidance for the week ahead from The Transformation Deck;
Divine Timing
"You may be birthing new ideas right now, or this is the new of a physical birth. Both are exciting and are a time of new beginnings." If you would like to connect to your own inner guide and intuition, visit the Shop on my website to get your own deck today.