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Let's Get Busy - Aries Full Moon

13 - 19 OCTOBER 2024

OMG, goodness. It's busy, busy, busy out there. There is so much change happening in the cosmic weather, and we will have to work hard to adapt to the changes as they come and go. 

Imagine working as a catwalk model this week. Walk up and down the runway, then quick-quick change, go again, rinse and repeat again, and again until the show ends. Are you ready???

Death and rebirth are words we are quite familiar with now so yes again they will enter our vocabulary this week.

There is a massive focus on ending really old long cycles in so many areas of our lives. Think back to 2008. You may see themes from this time officially coming to a close, or we have the opportunity to finally feel at peace with whatever transpired. We have all changed a lot since then. 

Let's find some time this week to celebrate the journey we have traveled and who we have become. It hasn't been all easy I know but wow look around you, you have so much to be grateful for from this journey. 

A lot of energy this week will be coming from this supermoon that is already brewing. It's in Aries and it's pretty spectacular. It's time to get back in the driver's seat of your life and take control of where you are heading from here. The eclipse re-routed us for a moment so it's now time to set the new navigation direction and put the foot down.

Remember we need stops along the way where we can REST and HYDRATE often. We will never be burnt out again. 

Wise words of the week- 

Step up or step away 

Love you,


If you would like to receive some more guidance about this week's energy, watch my Weekly Cosmic Forecast below.


Here's a little guidance for the week ahead from The Transformation Deck;


"You are the Universe in ecstatic motion - remember you are amazing and perfect. You are worthy of your biggest dreams and more." If you would like to connect to your own inner guide and intuition, visit the Shop on my website to get your own deck today.


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