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Last Week of July, Baby...

28 JULY - 3 AUGUST 2024

If you think time has been flying by, then hold on to your hat, we are about to hit the next gear and from now until the end of the year, everything is going to speed up. 

As I tune into August I definitely have mixed emotions.

There are a couple of incredible dates in August to note. 

  • 8-8 The Lions Gateway

  • 12-8- The Royal Star, Regulus Activation 

There is also some funk in the air but we are used to that vibe so whatever. Hopefully, we are all learning to rise above the chaos and stay true to our path and our callings. 

The first half of August is where I feel the most relaxed and light, the new moon on the 4th in Leo will remind us to have fun, laugh, and be playful. 

As we travel through the month the energy will begin to feel a bit more serious, the full moon on the 20th feels super edgy and comes with some pressure. 

Mercury is also going retro on the 14th which means we will have to practice a lot of patience and watch how we are communicating.

My advice is to lean into the Leo vibe for the next few weeks. 

  1. Lighten up 

  2. Have fun

  3. Dance 

  4. Be creative 

  5. Be kind 

  6. Show love 

  7. Live in love 

  8. Heart opening meditations 

  9. Be authentic 

We will be in Virgo season before you know it and that is going to feel very different so enjoy the sun while it's out. 

This is a great week to do a random act of kindness. Here are some ideas from the website

  1. Give an unexpected compliment.

  2. Plant a tree.

  3. Let someone cut in front of you in line.

  4. Pay the toll for the car behind you.

  5. Slow down so someone can merge in front of you in traffic.

  6. Let someone else take that primo parking spot.

  7. Give someone your seat on a crowded bus or subway.

  8. Put coins in an expired parking meter.

  9. Give up your seat on a plane so other travelers can sit together.

  10. Buy a warm meal for someone in need.

  11. Help someone struggling to carry their grocery bags.

  12. Stop to assist someone who looks lost.

  13. Say something encouraging to a parent who's struggling with rambunctious kids in a restaurant or grocery store.

  14. Offer to return a stranger's grocery cart to the front of the store.

  15. Keep plastic bags filled with snacks and sample-size toiletries in your car to give to the homeless. 

  16. Donate flowers to a nursing home.

  17. Hand out disposable water bottles to people working outside on a hot day.

  18. Buy a gift card to hand to someone on your way out of the coffee shop.

  19. Leave a great coupon next to that item in the grocery store.

  20. Pick up a piece of litter on the street and throw it out.

Source: Taylor, Jennifer. "100 Random Acts of Kindness Ideas." SignUpGenius. Accessed July 26, 2024.

Have a great week,

Love you,


If you would like to receive some more guidance about this week's energy, watch my Weekly Cosmic Forecast below.


Here's a little guidance for the week ahead from The Transformation Deck;


"Life is supposed to be fun! Bring a little joy and spontaneity into your day by doing something that feels fun to you." If you would like to connect to your own inner guide and intuition, visit the Shop on my website to get your own deck today.


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