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Last New Beginnings With a Splash of Magic

4 - 10 AUGUST 2024

We start this week with a beautiful New Moon in Leo.

I love the feeling of this new moon. We can literally draw to us what we need in the way of a fresh beginning and new start. It feels playful and light and a real breath of fresh air.

If you are feeling out of salt please use this time to nurture yourself in all ways. Peace and quiet are the medicines most humans need right now, so work out how you can drop into more peaceful and quiet moments. 

Quote of the week: Calm your farm

Mercury the planet of communication is also going retro this week, this again is a time to walk not run. Be patient, slow down, and read the signs around us.

Sometimes when we are feeling lost if we just slowed down and read the universal signs around us things would feel a lot easier. Try that for the next few weeks. 

My favorite day this week is 8-8,  this is a very cool day and one to take note of. On the 8-8 every year we have what's known to many as Lions Gateway opening. This is a galactic gate that delivers high-frequency energy, allowing us to rebirth our spirit/soul energy. Boom shaka laka!!!

A bit more on 8-8 

Every year on August 8th, there is a cosmic alignment between Earth, Sirius, and Orion's Belt, known as the Lion's Gate. It is a time that was very sacred to the Ancient Egyptians. This event takes place over several days but reaches its peak on the eighth day of the eighth month (August 8th). 

It is said that this is a time when the bright star Sirius aligns with the Great Egyptian Pyramids and a cosmic portal opens, creating a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms. At this time, a flood of light moves through the gateway and is made available to us all, giving us an opportunity to align with the Divine. Moments of profound awareness often occur during this event, and in these moments one is awakened to their higher truth, leading them to a new level of evolution. 

There is an opportunity here to reboot the system and begin the new cycle with more clarity and purpose, and a deeper connection to the Divine.

Homework this week to be completed on 8-8 

  1. Be in nature with a pen, paper, timer, and an open heart and open mind. 

  2. Spend 5 minutes of quiet meditation - find the space 

  3. Spend 10 minutes on automatic writing

  4. Spend 5 minutes of quiet meditation - connect with your inner guidance or team of guides

  5. Spend 10 minutes to write down messages and notes you need to reflect on. 

  6. Smile and love life in new ways. 

Have an amazing week, 

Love you,


If you would like to receive some more guidance about this week's energy, watch my Weekly Cosmic Forecast below.


Here's a little guidance for the week ahead from The Transformation Deck;


"Look, listen, and feel for the signs that the universe is showing you today. When you are clear with your asking, the signs are clear with their answering." If you would like to connect to your own inner guide and intuition, visit the Shop on my website to get your own deck today.


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