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Hello, Beautiful Souls

8 - 14 DECEMBER 2024

Here we are just weeks away from the end of 2024. There is so much to wrap up and reflect on.

This year hasn’t been easy, the lessons have been harsh at times but you wouldn’t be standing where you are now without them, and trust me when I say you are exactly where you are meant to be. You are stronger, wiser, and more authentic than ever, which my friends is perfect for our next steps into 2025. But I won’t go there yet. We still have a few weeks left in the 2024 classroom. 

Over these next few weeks, I would advise you to do a deep dive self-check-in and make sure your life is heading in the direction of your desires. Is there anything that needs to shift, be cleaned up, change, end, or be planned? 

This needs to be done in quiet alone time. Self-reflection and correction, let's call it. 

It’s the festive season, party season so have fun during this time but please remember balance in all areas is called for. Maybe ask yourself before making decisions- will this nourish my mind my body or my soul? If it’s a yes, it’s a yes! If it’s a no, is it worth the consequence? 

We are in lots of mixed retrograde energy right now and that means slow down and reflect on where you are. November would have brought new information and understanding, as well as things that might have been hidden in the light.

I would imagine many of us are now able to see the world or a situation in a whole new way, maybe a whole new dimension.  Take some time now for deep thinking. Please honor your true authentic self and trust your intuition like never before.

Advise this week 🙏

  1. Nourish all aspects of self

  2. Soften 

  3. Slow down 

  4. Be more conscious 

  5. Be authentic with all you do and say 

  6. Trust

Love you,


If you would like to receive some more guidance about this week's energy, watch my Weekly Cosmic Forecast below.


Here's a little guidance for the week ahead from The Transformation Deck;


"Sit in the energy of allowing. Stop pushing. Everything will come to you in perfect timing, exactly when it is meant to. Allow life to unfold in its own time and its own way. Its way may turn out better than you imagine." If you would like to connect to your own inner guide and intuition, visit the Shop on my website to get your own deck today.


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