Hello, August!
30 JULY - 5 AUGUST 2023

Hello August,
Get ready for an interesting month of shocks, surprises, and sudden changes. The energy feels fast, with quick decisions and instant results.
The planets are on fire this month, we have some massive alignments. Leo season is always a big time but this month feels super big.
It's time to play hard and work hard with lots of universe support in both areas. It may feel extreme at times and you will have to work hard to stay balanced. There is a lot happening and you will continue to be challenged to step up, transform your darkness into light and heal those old pains. We can't change the past but we can change how we see it and feel about it. Transformation is our new middle name and it's here to stay for quite a while.

There are 3 major moon events this month starting this week with a very powerful full super moon in Aquarius. There is so much happening around this moon and it all feels pretty diverse.
There is an open space for some deep healing especially around heart matters, but getting out that noisy head will be the challenge and letting go of destructive thought patterns and behaviors will be in your face.
No hiding under a SUPERMOON!!!
No overeating, over-working, over drinking, over-exercising, over thinking please, in fact no over anything. Pull yourself in line and stay there because if you don't the universe will and you won't like that. Be honest and make an effort to change where needed.
What can you do this week to help yourself?
What needs healing in your heart?
Where are you going to step up next?
I'll see you live online if you want to work together under this supermoon. We got some work to do to stay on the fast track to a lighter time.
Love you,
Sarah xXx
If you would like to receive some more guidance about this week's energy, watch my Weekly Cosmic Forecast below.

Here's a little guidance for the week ahead from The Transformation Deck;
Let Go
"Let it go, let it go, let it go. It's not worth holding onto at all." If you would like to connect to your own inner guide and intuition, visit the Shop on my website to get your own deck today.