16-22 MAY 2021
Take a walk down to the contemplation lake, sit down and relax, become the observer of the world around you, the observer of the world within you.
Meditate and open up your heart, be kind and compassionate to yourself and others. Now is the perfect week to be in nature the pureness of life.
We are a week away from eclipse season and the biggest supermoon of the year. We must be prepared, grounded, calm and collected in our thoughts, feelings and actions.
Sit with a herbal tea- I recommend limited stimulants, alcohol and drugs at this time and contemplate the last 12 months of your life.
How has your life changed?
How have you changed?
Who was in your life then, who is in your life now?
Remember nothing was wrong or right, it just was what it was, is what it is. Trust the changes are for your highest good and perfectly divinely orchestrated.
Please know we are leaving behind what no longer serves us, quietly walking away without a fuss and getting ready to take a quantum leap onto the higher path. We need to be as light as possible to jump as high as possible. We need to be sharp in our minds to see exactly where we are going.
Have a beautiful week xXx
In love and support of you,
Sarah xXx
Here's a little guidance for the week ahead from The Transformation Deck;
Forgive Them
"Holding onto resentment, anger, or spite against others is a burden that will only weigh you down. Forgive them - not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace. When we forgive others, we set ourselves free."
If you would like to connect to your own inner guide and intuition, visit the Shop on my website to get your own deck today.