Few Things We May Have Forgotten
25 - 31 AUGUST 2024

There are a few things we may have forgotten over the past few weeks/months.
This week, thank goodness, we get to remember some of the important things. The cosmic weather is calmer than it has been in weeks and we can finally catch our breath and feel like we might be out of the woods. At least, we can finally see the light through the trees.
This week I want to remind you about the 12 universal laws of nature. There is no escaping the 12 universal laws of nature.
However, understanding the laws and aligning ourselves with them in a conscious way takes awareness, time, and work.
When the terrain we are walking becomes tough (like it has been for so many over the past few months) we forget and life can become pretty hectic emotionally. When we remember where we are, and the true laws we live by, only then will we flow with their energies.
Only then can we create the life we want and cultivate inner peace. YES! INNER PEACE, MY FRIEND. That feeling that all is well and there is nothing to fear. That feeling that everything is in divine order and perfect.
This week I want you to think about and remember The Universal Law - 10 The Law of Polarity.
The Law of Polarity
Everything in life has an opposite. Without dark, there couldn’t be light, without evil, there couldn’t be good, and on it goes, love and fear, hot and cold. They are all two sides of the same coin.
Contrast, in the words of Abraham Hicks, brings clarity. Being able to see this can make challenging situations easier to bear.
Remember life happens to instruct, not to destruct.
When something difficult comes up we must flip the coin. See what lies on the other side; what lessons are there to be learned. This can lead to a new perspective entirely.
There is always a silver lining in everything waiting to be discovered. After some time has passed we may find ourselves wondering what the fuss was about; that's when the lesson has been learned.
To be happy, peaceful, and joyful, we must find the point of equilibrium in everything!
So that is your homework this week, look over the last few months, and where have you been challenged.
Ask yourself what is written on both sides of the coin - Then find the balance between the two, and stay there until you reach the point of neutral polarity. Where you realize it was both good and bad, light and dark exactly as it was. At that point, there will be no emotional charge and you are free. We must find this point to find peace and not carry around another addition to our baggage.
It's a more peaceful week so enjoy it,
Love you,
If you would like to receive some more guidance about this week's energy, watch my Weekly Cosmic Forecast below.

Here's a little guidance for the week ahead from The Transformation Deck;
"If you don't look after yourself, no one else will. Please look after you. What does self-care mean to you? Do something today to care for you!" If you would like to connect to your own inner guide and intuition, visit the Shop on my website to get your own deck today.