Enough is Enough
14 - 20 JULY 2024

Sometimes we just have to speak up and say it how it is. How we do this really matters right now. There is a lot of energy around this week that may provoke you but you need to remember that for every cause there is an effect every action has a consequence and everything, yes everything happens for a reason.
It's weird waters we are in. Cancer season has us feeling all the feels and combined with the current cosmic weather it can feel a little more unsettling than usual. We are also heading to that 2nd full moon in Capricorn so the end of a story, cycle, or pattern is coming to a close.

We need to be super aware of our egos and pointless power struggles. Being king over right is a good call. Let's be really mindful this week with our words and actions and say what needs to be said and do what needs to be done in the most grounded, calm, cool way.
Weekly Homework 🙏
Responsive over Reactive
Heart over Head.
Let it out, don't hold it in.
Stay grounded, stay cool, and let go of some of the control. Trust in the bigger picture of life.
Love you and see you live online next week under the Full Moon in Capricorn.
Love you,
If you would like to receive some more guidance about this week's energy, watch my Weekly Cosmic Forecast below.

Here's a little guidance for the week ahead from The Transformation Deck;
You Have Nothing To Fear
"The opposite of fear is faith - so have faith today that everything is exactly it is meant to be. Everything is working out perfectly, even if you can't quite see it yet." If you would like to connect to your own inner guide and intuition, visit the Shop on my website to get your own deck today.