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Death and Rebirth Is the Name of the Game

3 - 9 NOVEMBER 2024

As we swim in these deep Scorpionic waters, remember the classroom of life is all about learning, growing, and becoming more conscious. When we face the darkness we bring light to it. When we embrace our shadow we move closer to greater self-awareness and authenticity and eventually - love.

This week, we are invited to go inwards and focus on transformation yet again as powerful Scorpio energy dominates the cosmic weather. Themes of depth, mystery, and change are intensified. This week asks us to dig deep and confront parts of ourselves that may need renewal or release. There is a sense of shedding what no longer serves us, paving the way for greater authenticity and alignment with our true path of happiness. Death and rebirth are still the name of the game. 

This is a great time for deep conversations, and for seeking closure on lingering issues.

Emotional intensity and introspection are high, we are encouraged to explore our desires, fears, and hidden motives. It's a great time for deep conversations and seeking closure on lingering issues.

This is the best time for us to look beyond the surface and consider the bigger picture. This energy can offer fresh insights, especially around our personal beliefs, values, and future goals. 

There’s a renewed sense of freedom coming in and the burning desire to break free from limiting situations or beliefs may become unbearable if we don't make the necessary changes.

By embracing and leaning into the energy of transformation and authenticity, we can tap into new insights and plant seeds for long-term growth.

It’s a time to trust the process and honor our unique journey.

Who we are choosing to give our time and energy to really matters right now. Please surround yourself with people who lift you up and allow you to be your true, authentic self.

Words of the week

  • Transformation 

  • Authenticity

  • Adventure

  • Expansion

  • Balance

Love you,


If you would like to receive some more guidance about this week's energy, watch my Weekly Cosmic Forecast below.


Here's a little guidance for the week ahead from The Transformation Deck;

Trust Yourself

"Listen to yourself at this time - don't listen to the opinions of others. This is the time to go within and listen to your inner voice. You have all of the answers to your questions, all you've got to do is go within and listen." If you would like to connect to your own inner guide and intuition, visit the Shop on my website to get your own deck today.


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