A Mountain to Climb
2 - 8 JULY 2023

We start this week with a super full moon in Capricorn, this illumination will light up areas in your life that need to be worked on.
You will have the opportunity to step up and make some changes. It's time to take responsibility and confront what is not working.
The energy of this moon will give you the courage and dedication you need.

This week may bring some deep issues to the surface but remember whatever is illuminated you are ready to heal and work through, the universe, this full moon is supporting you to evolve and become lighter. This supermoon has your back.
My advice this week 🙏
Have that difficult conversation
Confront the problem
Overcome the obstacles
Work out a new way
Remember how strong you are
Look at the positives
Create order
Be disciplined in all you do
Take the light path
See you live online on Monday at 7 pm AEST to work through this one together.
Capricorn the goat will lead us to the top of a new mountain, the climb may be hard but the view at the top and the clean fresh air we will breath will be worth every step.
Have an amazing week.
Love you,
Sarah xXx
If you would like to receive some more guidance about this week's energy, watch my Weekly Cosmic Forecast below.

Here's a little guidance for the week ahead from The Transformation Deck;
Be Open
"You seem closed. Open up and see beyond your defences, your pain, and your internal walls. As you open up, you will feel lighter and you will feel free again." If you would like to connect to your own inner guide and intuition, visit the Shop on my website to get your own deck today.