Weekly Enlightenment 25-9-17
Please Energy can you just lighten up this week and stay that way…. Just for at least a few breaths??? Yes, the Equinox shifted some of...
Weekly Enlightenment 18.9.17
OOOHHHH..... But, lets not stress too much about this week coming up, rather think of it as a great week to clear things up before the...
Weekly Enlightenment 11.9.17
Wowsa another big week a head of us! Its really busy times right now, things are not going to slow down or stop. There is so much to do,...
Weekly Enlightenment 4.9.17
A new season, A new month , A new week, A new YOU ...... For those that read my monthly enlightenment you will know that this week marks...
Reach your potential this Spring Equinox
It’s September... A new month, a new season… It's 'Spring' if you are based, where I am in, in the southern hemisphere, if you're in the...
September Spring Equinox Ritual
Want to have a great day everyday? Then read on...this will take you just a few mins each morning. 1: On waking up, stay in bed for a few...
Energy Enlightenment 28.8.2017
We have some great energy around this week and the main focus must be CREATING if you want to get there …(where ever 'there' is for you)...
August - Best Month So Far - Here's Why...!
Boom !!! What a massive month August will be... Some are calling August the BEST month of the year... Here's why... We have heaps of...
Energy Enlightenment 31.7.17
Things are moving and grooving, life is what ever your manifesting it to be.... A fairytale, a drama, a comedy, a thriller, a...
Energy Enlightenment 24.7.2017
Omgoodness …Who is feeling the energy this week ??? So today ... A DAY OUT OF TIME Use today to reflect on where you are ... and where...